

ICU Services

Our Intensive Care Units (ICU) provide the finest care to patients who suffer from a serious medical problem. We provide high-quality, compassionate and equity care to patients at risk or with existing critical illness. The care for the patients in our ICU units are provided by highly trained Emergency department registrar, anesthetist, radiologists, surgeons, medical officers of all specialties, critical registered nurses, respiratory therapists, pharmacists and other allied health professionals.


In Patient Services

We provide excellent care to our patients and families. The inpatient wards are designed in such a way that it provides hygienic ambience favoring the speedy recovery of the patients. Inpatient unit consists of well-trained nurses, doctors and other healthcare providers to deliver comprehensive care to the patients who require the hospital stay for the recovery of their health condition.


Extensive Operation Theater

Operating room attributes a legacy of excellence and it is specially designed for smooth operating flow and to execute various surgical procedures in a successful way. The hospital provides major operating theatres and minor operating theatres to handle different types of surgeries for all the different specialties.


Dental Services

We offer complete dental services in all areas including general care, cosmetic dentistry and dental prosthesis. Dental Services provide comprehensive dental services to all age groups


24/7 Emergency Service

The Accident and  Emergency department of Jumuia Hospitals, delivers a high standard service for critically ill or injured patients who need urgent medical attention. Our Hospital’s 24-hour emergency and trauma care unit is geared to meet all medical and surgical emergencies including poly trauma, 365 days in a year….

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