Modern Lab Test

Jumuia Hospitals has sophisticated, standardized, centralised medical laboratory facility. Lab service stands as a backbone that aids to carry out various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures which includes clinical pathology, clinical chemistry, haematology endocrinology and serology. The department of laboratory services at the hospital offers various facilities with dedicated team of pathologists and microbiologist.

We have a well-framed Standard Operating Procedure which is followed perfectly and mandatorily in the lab to have a smooth workflow which helps in giving the laboratory reports as early as possible. Our aim is to offer a quality service and accurate reports with the help of quality management system measures. To support the treatment provided, we have a set of well-trained clinicians from various fields like biochemistry, pathology, haematology and microbiology to perform the medical tests and to make quick results that help to detect the disease condition as early as possible.

The specimen collected from the patient will be labelled and sent to the respective department for testing. The process of the work will be monitored with the help of laboratory software where we can retrieve the information whenever needed. Some of the routine tests done in our laboratory includes;

  • Haematology test
  • Blood test
  • Urine test
  • Syphilis test
  • Tuberculosis test
  • Pregnancy test
  • Diabetes test
  • Biopsy
  • FNAC
  • HIV , HBV , HCV
  • Urine flow cytometry

We focus mainly on customer satisfaction which we meet through delivering précised lab test reports. The waste management technique and personal hygienic techniques are strictly followed to reduce the spread of infection. We keep up a high level of sterility inside the laboratory in order to provide a high standard service. The centralized lab enables discussion between pathologists, lab medicine experts, Doctors and Surgeons. The patients get benefited from an accurate and quicker diagnosis at Jumuia Friends Hospital leading to quicker treatment and shorter stay

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