Now retired, Rose Omutanyi was Principal School of Nursing, at the Nairobi Hospital. Rose has worked at the Nairobi Hospital since 1993. She holds a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing from the American World University (AWU), Diploma in Advanced Nursing from the University of Nairobi, Registered Nurse, Midwife and Community Health Nurse Diploma from the Kenya Medical Training College Nairobi. She previously worked as the Nursing Officer In–charge of Medical, Surgical, Accident and Emergency unit at Siaya District Hospital, Maternity and Pediatric unit in Kericho District Hospital, Nursing Officer In-charge of the Nyayo Health Centre Sigowet in Kericho and as a Lecturer at the K.M.T.C Nairobi. Rose has a wide experience in teaching and clinical nursing and was a Board Member of the Nursing Council of Kenya from 2004 to 2009.